
北京阳光创译(Suntrans)语言翻译有限公司成立于 2008 年 2 月。公司总部设立在北京,在美国纽约设有分公司,并在乌干达和巴基斯坦设立有办事处。在总经理吕国博士的带领下,历时 7 年多,阳光创译由最初只有 6 人的翻译团队发展至今已成为拥有 30 余名全职管理人员、1024 名兼职译员、68 名核心译审人员的专业队伍。  阳光创译是中国领先的专业领域多语服务提供商,是中国专业地质矿业语言服务第一品牌。目前是中国翻译协会成员、中国语言服务产业技术创新联盟成员和中国矿业联合会全球地质信息共享委员会理事会成员。阳光创译致力于为中国地质、矿业以及石油领域企业国际化和本地化提供整体语言解决方案,主要从语言翻译服务、人才培养和咨询服务三方面推进企业的国际化进程。  阳光创译先后举办了三次矿业投资经验交流会,对境内外矿业投资企业的发展和转型等起到了积极的促进作用,受到了广泛关注与好评。  阳光创译自成立以来先后为中国国土资源部、中国地质调查局发展研究中心、中国商务部、发改委、银监会、美国地质调查局、加拿大财政部、巴西卫生部、巴布亚新几内亚政府、欧盟委员会、20国集团等国内外和组织、中国国际矿业大会、中国 - 东盟矿业大会、HIMSS( 美国医疗信息和管理系统协会 )、京交会、广交会、博鳌论坛以及达沃斯论坛等重要会议和全球 60 多个国家的1000 多家事业单位和企业单位提供了大量优质翻译服务,已累计完成各领域翻译 1 亿 7000 多万字,口译服务 15000 多小时,积累专业词汇上百万。  Beijing Suntrans Language Translation Co, Ltd., founded in Feb. 2008, is a leading translation company in mining and geology, whose headquarter is located in Beijing and branch offices in Toronto Canada, Kampala Uganda and Lahore Pakistan. Dr. Lu Guo has led the company to grow quickly into a team of 68 core translators and proofreaders and 1024 part-time translators.  Suntrans is a professional multilingual translation service provider, especially a China's leading translation company in mining geology and petroleum. Suntrans is dedicatedto providing a comprehensive solution for the internalization and localization of mining, geology and petroleum industrial companies, involving translation services, talentcultivation, commercial consulting, international conventions and exhibitions.  Suntrans has held the Experience-Sharing Forum for Mining Investment for three times up to now, which has greatly promoted the development and transformation of international and domestic mining companies, and has received wide attention and praise.  Suntrans has provided a large number of language services for organizations and conferences at high levels such as the Ministry of Land and Resources, China Banking Regulatory Commission; the USA Geological Survey, the Department of Finance Canada, the China Mining Congress, the China-ASEAN Mining Conference, HIMSS(Health Information Management Systems Society), the Beijing Fair, the Guangzhou Fair, the Boao Forum, the Davos Forum and so on, which involve more than 60 countries and 1000 large-scale companies and various organizations. Nowadays Suntrans has provided about 170-million-word written transition and 15 000-hour oral interpretation, and accumulated more than 1-million glossaries and terminology.

公司名称: 北京阳光创译语言翻译有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 (制造商)
所 在 地: 直辖市/北京 公司规模: 20人
注册资本: 10万人民币 注册年份: 2010
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 制造商
经营范围: 翻译服务 ; 会议及展览服务 ; 组织文化艺术活动
反对 0举报 0 收藏 0
  • 地址:北京市海淀区五道口华清嘉园甲15号楼2008室
  • 电话:010-82865216
  • 邮件:bjsuntranshr@163.com
  • 手机:15313128281
  • 联系人:吕国